
Psychedelics are to Thought what Qubits are to Computing

Have you heard about the digital revolution brought by the qubit in quantum computing? Unlike traditional binary bits in our computers that switch between 0 and 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or both simultaneously. This ability exponentially expands computational power, launching us into an infinite realm of possibilities – the realm of the analog.

Interestingly, there exists a similar revolution in the realm of consciousness – the exploration of thought with psychedelics. Just as qubits transform computing, psychedelics can change our thinking from a binary, linear format into an expansive, analog one. They help us tap into the endless potential of our minds, revealing insights we can barely fathom in our everyday state.

Think about it. Our usual consciousness works like traditional computing. Efficiently making decisions: right or wrong, black or white, good or bad. Such linear thinking is undoubtedly effective, but it often lacks depth and creativity. It confines us within repetitive thought patterns and limits our ability to perceive nuance and interconnectedness. Psychedelics offer a way out of this box. They immerse you into a fluid realm of imagination, intuition, and insight, pushing your mind into uncharted territories.

Psychedelics increase neural connectivity, heighten imagination, and expand our sense of self. They break us free from the constraints of familiar, linear thinking and, in doing so, allow us to perceive the world in a kaleidoscope of possibilities, unrestricted by our usual logical boundaries. And, just like a quantum computer can solve complex problems in a fraction of the time it would take a traditional one, a brain in a psychedelic state can generate profound insights and creative solutions that might take our conscious minds years, or even decades, to reach otherwise.

Now, let’s bring this into the realm of healing. Imagine feeling trapped by anxiety, fear, or a past trauma. Your regular thought processes, and, often, even therapy, can end up even strengthening these chains – trapping you in a self-repeating cycle of pain and helplessness. Psychedelics, when used appropriately, can shatter these chains. By moving into the boundless realm of psychedelic consciousness, you can revisit your past, confront your present, shape your future, and glean insights that, otherwise, could seem unimaginable.

For instance, consider someone unable to release the pain and stress of a past traumatic experience. This person might find themselves trapped in a narrative of victimhood and suffering, digging deeper with each unsuccessful attempt at “dealing with it.” In contrast, under the influence of psychedelics, they might gain a broader view of their experience, perceiving their trauma not just as a source of pain, but also as a catalyst for growth and resilience. This shift in perspective doesn’t negate the reality of their past trauma, but it offers a more balanced view, revealing silver linings and opportunities for healing that were unimaginable before. Very often, these added insights are all that is necessary for the person to put such painful memories into a healthier perspective and find closure and wholeness where, previously, there was only pain and aloneness.

And these changes are not fleeting. These new insights, coupled with the formation of new neural pathways during a psychedelic experience, literally rewire the mind to experience things differently. Just imagine the power of that – leaving a psychedelic session with your brain literally rewired around a previous traumatic event such that you simply see and think about it completely differently. Not because you’re trying to “talk yourself down” or to stop thinking about it, but, literally because you have created new paths for your previously stuck thoughts to flow down. Paths leading to a sense of peace, understanding, forgiveness, power, or comfort. For many, this can be a brand new lease on their entire lives!

However, psychedelics are not magical panaceas. Stan Grof, a renowned expert in the field, emphasized the significance of “set and setting” in psychedelic sessions. This means that the mindset, preparation, and environment in which the psychedelic session takes place play a crucial role in its outcome. Additionally, it is essential to differentiate between recreational use and the respectful utilization of these powerful medicines for their profound healing potential. When used responsibly, the psychedelic state can truly create near-instantaneous and life-changing results.

Together with this, in my personal experience, while a freeform psychedelic journey can bring about powerful healing and insights, the most profound transformations occur through a methodology I developed and named “Guided Psychedelic Reprocessing & Re-Conditioning” (GPRR). In GPRR, while the individual is within the psychedelic state, I act as a guide and help them consciously explore their thoughts and emerging emotions. We then use the powerful tools of hypnotic anchoring and regression, affirmations, and reframing to harness the heightened creativity and expanded awareness that the psychedelic state offers us. This enables us to completely re-process outdated beliefs and memories and to re-condition the person into brand new thought processes around the old, previously trapping experiences. The outcomes achieved through GPRR are genuinely extraordinary, surpassing expectations and often leading to near-miraculous shifts and profound healings in people’s lives.

In summary, psychedelics truly represent a profound shift in our ability to heal, perceive, think, and comprehend ourselves and the world around us. When approached with care and respect, they hold the potential for a quantum leap towards self-discovery, personal transformation, and ultimately, liberation.

Just like we’ve seen the exponential growth in technology these past few years, the mind-revolution is also ramping up – the opportunity to create a life aligned with your unique gifts and dreams, free from the pains and traumas that have long weighed down your heart is here. It is my sincere hope that this will break the heart of this world wide, wide open!

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